- The doors to the caucus shall open, and the check in process shall begin at 6:30pm.
- The official clock shall be kept by the Chair.
- The doors to the caucus room shall be closed promptly at 7pm. Persons standing in line to complete a Caucus Participation Form at the time the doors close will be allowed to complete their forms and participate in the caucus.
- The Chair shall oversee the entire process and delegate responsibilities as they see fit. These responsibilities shall include checking in caucus participants, seating them, and serving as tellers for the contested elections.
- The caucus will be called to order by the Chair. The current Chair will serve as the temporary Chair of the caucus. The first order of business shall be the election of a permanent Chair.
- The Chair shall appoint a Secretary of the caucus.
- The second order of business will be to adopt permanent rules of the Caucus.
- The Chair shall announce the total number of credentialed participants, and inform the participants of the contested elections to be held in order to elect members.
- Pursuant to the Call to Caucus, those positions where equal or fewer people filed to the number of available positions shall have their elections, and the duly filed persons shall be declared the winner by acclamation.
- Participants will be given ballots for the contested elections they are eligible to participate in upon checking in. The ballots shall be filled out by making a mark in the box next to their candidate of choice.
- Upon the tallying of votes, the Chair shall announce the winners of the contested elections.
- Upon the announcement of winners, the caucus shall be adjourned, and the room shall be emptied in preparation for the officer elections.