CC Work Session 2-13-24
City Council Work Session
February 13, 2024
Work Session Agenda Items
III.1. Josh Moore, Lynchburg Transit Agency, provided an update on GLTC.
Technological improvements
Real-time information via new TransitApp
Arrival ETA, cancellation
Detours, accidents
Announcements (e.g., warming centers)
New signage at 15 stops and transit center
New ADA vans, better service, more access to previously restricted areas
On-demand microtransit
Replaces two routes (Timberlake, Graves Mill, Enterprise Dr) funded by State demonstration grant.
Mobile fare collection system improves fare options (groups, discounts, credit card payment)
Praised by Wilder as helpful innovations and great information.
III.2. Water System Master Plan Status by Tim Mitchell
Update on 100-year replacement cycle to accommodate
Future growth
Fire suppression
Break prevention
455 miles of water lines, 49 lines have been replaced.
95 miles need replacement, 35 miles over next 25 years
At current funding, only 1.67miles a year is replaced.
Need to increase to at least 2.5 miles per year; request for more money forthcoming in FY24/25 budget discussions
Need to replace Carroll Ave Pump Station (services LU, Wards, Tyreeanna)
Need to add a (2 million gallon holding tank on Mill Lane (supplies ½ of city)
IV.3. Monument Terrace Memorials
Tom Martin presented information on 3 additions to the Terrace
Gulf War and Global War on Terrorism plaque, near top
Soldiers’ Battlefield Cross, bottom left in landscaped area
Purple Heart bench, at lower level
All privately funded
Approved previously by Monument Committee
Action to approve by Council on February 27 meeting
IV.4. Gaynell Hart presented changes to the current lease of space to CASA.
Adds 136sf to lease, no additional charge.
For Council action February 27.
Helgeson objects to this “$48,000 gift” to a non-profit; sets precedent for other nonprofits to come to the City for funds. Does not want to “pick winners and losers.”
Reported that Council used to allocate actual money for CASA in the annual budget, but changed to this in-kind lease agreement in 20212; has now become a “default gift” to CASA.
Helgeson said that although CASA does good things, the space could be rented out or even sold for market value.
Other Council Members (Reed, Wilder, Dolan, Taylor) supported providing CASA with the stability of knowing where they would be located for another 5 years, and expressed comfort with the location because it is proximal to Commonwealth Attorney, police and other agencies.
Misjuns joined Helgeson in objecting to 5-year term, proposed a 1-year term. After discussion. Decision was to approve the 5-year lease terms.
- Roll Call
Wilder noted NAACP forum to address the hate fliers distributed in December.
Announce the Unity Walk at 5th and Federal
Noted recent shooting death
Taylor condemned the racist fliers, calling perpetrators “cowards.”
Reed said (emotionally) that these racist fliers “will not divide us by zip code, race, or religion.”